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LGBTQI+ Inclusive Sex Ed

Compass Center

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Somewhere over the rainbow is inclusive sex ed for all. While PRIDE sparkles brightest in June, we hope you’ll remember to celebrate all bodies and health all year long!

Sex ed is important for EVERYbody and every BODY. The mandatory standards for sex education are actually pretty low. There are 15 states that don't require sex education to be even medically accurate. It’s up to states, schools, and individuals to share their ideas about sex ed. Specifically in North Carolina, ”State law requires students in grades 7-9 are to receive medically accurate sex education that includes instruction on abstinence, contraceptives, STD prevention and sexual assault. Regardless of any state guidelines, sex education instruction is varied, unreliable and do they not have to include LGBTQIA+ bodies and experiences.

Everyone deserves education that gives them the tools to safely and confidently navigate their sexuality, intimacy and health choices! What may have been missing? Let’s talk about it now!

1. Wait…WHAT IS SEX ?

There is not one singular way to have sex for all people wherever you may land on the spectrum of sexuality. Traditional sex ed usually only talks about sex as a penis pentrating a vagina. Sex is a pleasure + bonding + intimacy experience between people that can happen in many ways: Sex can include mutual masturbation, clitoral stimulation, oral, the use of toys and other objects that are pleasurable. Really only you and your partner can get to define what sex means to you.


Not everyone identifies with their sex at birth, this is defined as cis-gendered. Check out the Gender Unicorn to learn more about a range of gender identities and how it's different from the chromosome “XY” cocktail you were born with.


Different people have different relationships with their body parts. Some people might not relate to the medical terms or slang we are more familiar with due to their gender identity or trauma. Also, people can be Intersex which means they have sex characteristics that don’t fit cleanly into binary male or female categories. Some intersex people have enlarged clitorises or smaller penises, extra body or facial hair, atypical breast development, or can’t have penetrative sex. The best thing you can do is ASK your partner what language they’d like you to use!


While the menstrual cycle is reserved for people with a uterus we don’t don't have to stigmatize people who have them. Sex ed programming needs to stop separating the ”boys + girls” into separate rooms for the period talks. Trans men get periods too! If you make this a “girls” only class lesson- This forces any trans or non binary folx to either out themselves at that moment or they must choose to miss out on vital health info they need. Also, a LOT of people have a uterus so we can all learn about periods and understanding the human body and reproduction.


While your first priority may be finding a doctor who is covered by your insurance or speaks your preferred language, you can also find someone who specializes and validates your experience and body. Finding a medical ally greatly improves the mental health and overall well-being of gender diverse, transgender, and nonbinary children and adolescents. You deserve someone who understands you! Here is just one resource in finding some healthcare and support near you: Interactive Map: Gender-Expansive Care

While you are celebrating Pride, remember to celebrate all bodies and our health all year .

Here are some LGBTQAI + Inclusive sex ed resources:

Happy Pride Today and Everyday !



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Chapel Hill, NC  27514

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Chapel Hill, NC 27515

Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m

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Office line: 919-968-4610

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