Foundations and Donor-Advised Funds
Marcia Angle and Mark Trustin Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
Anonymous Fund of Triangle Community Foundation (2)
Berry Family Foundation
Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation
Earl and Margaret Chesson Charitable Endowment Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
Perry Colwell Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
Curryblossom Foundation
D Michael Warner - Elizabeth B Craven Foundation Trust
Scott Dorsett Family Fund
F.M.Kirby Foundation
George and Alice Horton Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
The Jelly Foundation
The Kyser Family Foundation
Wendy and Pope McCorkle, III Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
McCorkle Family Fund
Peter J. and Prudence F. Meehan Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
Palladium Fund
The Plachetka Family Fund
Michael and Amy Tiemann Charitable Fund
Melinda Abrams
- Jennifer Adair
Anonymous (2)
Sally Brown
Jane Brown and James Protzman
Margaret B. Barrett
Martin Baucom
Walter and Betsy Bennett
Ronald Ray Benson
Sue Bielawski
Amy Blanchard
George and Carol Retsch Bogart
Gary Bowen
Ashley Boyette
Ilouise S. Bradford
Emily Broaddus
Sally Brown
Julie Byerley
Edward and Jane Caffrey
Robin Canne
Catharine Carter
Kicab Castaneda-Mendez and Marta Chase
Elizabeth Chapman
Carolyn Christians
Kathy Clemmons
Eva and Joseph Clontz
Gilles and Elizabeth Cloutier
Betty Neese and Perry Colwell
Cathy Cole
Janet Colm
Phillip and Gail Cooley
Jane Cousins
Tina Cunnigham
Evie Davis
Laura Delauney
Jeannie Denuo
Lucy Doak
M'Liss Dorrance
Stuart and Josie Dorsett
Connie Eble
Kamie and Jeff Edwards
Pamela Smith Edwards
Maxine Eichner and Eric Stein
The Employees of Sports Endeavors
Matthew Ewend and Lisa Carey
Shauna and Tom Farmer
Giselle Feiger
Laurel Files
Mary Flanagan
Susan and Stephen Friedman
Meredith S Foltz and Gary B Davis
Kelly Garcia
Meghan Gosk
Maggi Grace
Susan Gravely and Bill Ross
Susan Greene
Margaret and Tom Haber
Grace Haig
Teresa S. Hammersley
​Rus & Dixie Hapgood
David Benjamin Hare
Gillian Hare
Arianne Hartsell-Gundy
Emily and Bryan Hassel
Pam and Brad Hemminger
Margaret Henderson
Susan Hester
Deborah Hilgenberg
Debbie Hill and Julia Mack
Ann Holtzman
Peter and Linda Hoult
Sylvia M. Hubbard
Heather and Robert Hutchins
Colleen Jelley
Barbara Jessie-Black
Missy Julian-Fox
Howard Kallem
Moyra and Brian Kileff
Paul and Elaine Kimple
- Jenny Kobin
Marilyn and Ted Koenig
Sherri Kronfeld
Wendy Kuo
Kimberley Barrett Kwok
Eric Langan
Deborah A. Lekan
Jessica Levenberg
Madeline and Steven Levine
Annie Lewis
Judi Lilley
Hugh and Lianne Macgregor
Ann Mack
Karen and Gregory Mack
Jane Leserman Madison
Erin Malloy
Rachel Mandell
Melinda Manning
Paula Marr
Harriet and D.G. Martin
Paul L. Martin
Jeff Mason
Pamela Mathews
Carrie Wiltshire McCutcheon
Paul Mermin
Alyson Miller
Jay Miller and Ebeth Scott-Sinclair
John and Emma Miskey
Coolie and Thad Monroe
Glenn Movish
Brendan and Cindy Moylan
Catherine Earle Neal
Moreton Neal
Aaron Nelson
Joey Nelson
Laurie Norman
Leah Ogden
Patrick and Mary Norris Preyer Oglesby
Melva Fager Okun
Heather Palmateer
Michael Parker
Vicki L . Parker
Josie Patton
Bill and Pam Perreault
Kelly Pincus
Gwynne Pomeroy
Jane Preyer and Deborah Lark Hayes
Marilyn Jacobs and Rich Preyer
Tracy Proctor
Nicole Quallen
Nancy and Bill Rickard
Michelle Robinson
Sallie Shuping-Russell
Janice J. Ryan
Maija Samei
Linda Sanders
Elizabeth Sasser and James Parrott
Sherry Lee Scully
Tatiana Sergent
Patricia Sharp
Justin Simmons
Sabrina Aguilar-Simon
Ann and Bland Simpson
Don and Mary Skiba
Susan and Steve Skolsky
Kristen Caroline Smith
Lee Smith
Linnea Smith
Jeff Spinner-Halev
Bradley Staats
Jane and Adam Stein
Joe Swain
Geoffrey Alexander Taber and Betsi Harris
John Becton & Nancy Tannenbaum
Mary Tanner
- Priscilla Taylor
Rusty Unger
Rachel Valentine
Noah Van Niel
Susanne M Vergara
Don Von Hagen
Melissa Walker
Patricia A. Watts
Julia Weinrich
Briggs Wesche
Judy White
Barbara Wildemuth
Julie Wiley
Ashley and John Wilson
David Zucchino
3M Foundation
Ardmore Residential, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Holiday Charity
Delegate Advisors LLC
Molly Maid
Pinnacle Bank
Whitewood Construction
Faith-Based Organizations
The Chapel of the Cross
Resurrection Church of NC
United Methodist Women
Nonprofit Organizations
A Lotta Love
- Chapel Hill NOW
In-Kind Donors
Gail Brothers
Stephanie Burgess
Lisa Carmichael
Steve and Cathy Clamage
Marcie Coyne
Nora Dahners
David Denuo
Amy Drew
Sarah Froeber
Suzanne Globetti
Maggie Hanes
George and Kathy Hartmann
May Hulett
Carol Hurn
Karmen Kent
Nancy Knowles
Deb Levin
Troy Lokitz
Chris and Regan Moore
Jill Newbold
Sandra Purcell
Laura Robertson
Alison Roland
Gayle Tsipsi
Rusty Unger
Chastity Walters
Brantley White
Cathy Wilhelm
Paul Wright